4 reasons why now is the right time to join Soldera

Guarantees of Origin
Reading time 3 minutes

Do you have solar panels? Did you know that you could be earning more money from your solar panels? Now is the perfect time to join Soldera and turn your solar panel electricity into a real source of income through Guarantees of Origin!

What are Guarantees of Origin

The electricity grid is like an ocean, where everything is mixed, and electrons cannot be distinguished in the wires. To address this, a system was developed in Estonia where power producers can obtain Guarantees of Origin from registry for the electricity they sell to the grid. These origin certificates are typically traded separately from electricity. They are transacted over the counter and not on the electricity market.

A Guarantee of Origin is a document that certifies that the consumed electricity is produced from renewable sources. It acts like a birth certificate for green energy, allowing producers to demonstrate that their electricity comes from the sun, wind or another renewable source. The availability of these certificates is critical because they enable consumers to show that they are using green electricity and allow renewable energy producers to earn additional income.

Here are four reasons why you should act now:

1. Guarantees of Origin are not issued retroactively

Producers are often surprised to learn that they only begin producing Guarantees of Origin after submitting applications to registry. If you don't obtain your origin certificates promptly, you miss out on the opportunity to earn income from them. We recommend preparing and sending the necessary applications as soon as possible.

How Soldera can help: Soldera assists you in quickly completing all the required applications and expedites the registration process so you can receive your Guarantees of Origin on time.

2. Guarantees of Origin must find a buyer before they expire

Simply submitting applications is not enough to profit from origin certificates. You need to find a buyer yourself. The law stipulates that these certificates can only be traded up to 12 months after the production date. After that, they cannot be transferred to anyone else.

How Soldera can help: Soldera ensures that your Guarantees of Origin are sold promptly, ensuring you don't miss out on potential earnings.

3. Fresher certificates fetch a higher price

Many renewable energy producers accumulate their Guarantees of Origin for several months and perform one larger transaction manually. There are several reasons contributing to this situation: buyers are not interested in small quantities, smaller amounts fetch lower prices, frequent selling is time-consuming, and the expected revenue is low compared to the time spent.

How Soldera can help: Soldera helps by selling all participating producers' Guarantees of Origin together and on a regular basis. This results in larger quantities and fresher certificates being sold, ensuring better prices and more reliable income.

4. Time is ticking

Registration, completing paperwork for and managing Guarantees of Origin can be time-consuming. Many companies put off dealing with these issues and end up forgetting about them. Although the income may initially seem insignificant for small producers, delaying registering for the next ten years could result in a significant loss. Selling Guarantees of Origin could actually account for a surprisingly large portion of the return on this investment.

How Soldera can help: Joining Soldera takes less than 30 minutes and requires no further management from you. If you haven't been obtaining Guarantees of Origin yet, we'll prepare the necessary documents and submit them to registry for you. After joining, you'll only need to click one button to submit your invoices.

How to get started?

You can learn more about Soldera on our website and sign up immediately by clicking here. As discussed - the best time to join is now.

Don't leave money on the table - join Soldera today and maximise the potential of your solar panels!

Stenver Jerkku
Soldera CEO
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Additional income is already waiting

Guarantees of Origin can only be traded for the first 12 months after the moment of production, so it does not make sense to wait long.